GHOST.分頁檔.Q1..將WIN2000. XP. 以Ghost複製到的HD後,開機登入時即出現 '有限的虛擬記憶體' 及 '系統分頁檔太小' 的錯誤訊息,即回到登入畫面(無法登入).ANS: 1.. FDISK /MBR TEST OK. 原文 2.. 223188 How to Change the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows 2000 Unable to Log on if the Boot Partition Drive Letter Has Changed To permit a logon and/or change the boot volume drive letter back to its originally assigned letter, use any of the following methods第一步驟在另一台電腦Dell(假設電腦名稱Dell)下下面這行指令net use \\remote_machine_name\IPC$ /user:administrator * remote_machine_name(就是BAD PC. 須啟動遠端登錄服務)之後Regedit就可以成功執行遠端網路登錄(要adminstrator的ID&PWD) 改完後電腦IBM就可以登入了,但會發覺登入之後該自動執行的一些程式沒有出現,看磁碟機代號是G:,H:,K:,難怪會有錯誤。 223188 How to Change the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows 2000 第三步驟依上面這一段的指示做,但Regedit改完磁碟機代號並沒有 立即改變的效果,重新開機之後就正常了。 ※最後記得再把遠端登錄服務關掉,避免駭客入侵後修改Registry SYMPTOMS After you try to log on to your Windows 2000-based computer by using a valid user name and password, the Loading your personal settings dialog box is displayed, followed by the Saving your settings dialog box. However, the desktop does not appear, and the Welcome to Windows logon screen is displayed again. NOTE: If the paging file is located on the system or boot partition, you may also receive the following warning message before returning to the "Welcome to Windows" logon screen: [Limited Virtual Memory] Your system has no paging file, or the paging file is too small. Back to the top CAUSE This problem can occur if your Windows 2000 boot partition drive letter does not match the drive letter assigned during the initial Windows 2000 Setup. Windows 2000 maintains a record of drive letters in a registry based database and re-assigns drive letters based on Globally Unique Identifiers (GUID) recorded for each volume. Should the volume GUID change or be duplicated (by hard drive cloning software), the original drive letter may not be re-assigned to the boot volume. This may also occur if you break a system/boot mirror, and then attempt to boot to the old shadow drive if the original primary drive is missing or inaccessible. This is because the volume GUID for the shadow drive is different than that of the original primary drive and does not get the same drive letter assigned. Back to the top RESOLUTION WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. NOTE: If the computer is networked but not part of a domain, you may need to map a connection to the machines IPC$ share using that computer's local administrator credentials before being able to attach using Regedit.exe or Regedt32.exe as described below to make changes. To permit a logon and/or change the boot volume drive letter back to its originally assigned letter, use any of the following methods: net use \\remote_machine_name\IPC$ /user:administrator * Use one of the following procedures to facilitate repairs: 1. Remove any cloned hard disks added to your computer since the time the logon failures occurred, restart your computer, and then try to log on. 2. If the computer is networked, run Regedit.exe on another computer to open and modify the registry of the computer that is experiencing the logon failure. Use the information in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to change the drive letter back to the original letter assigned to the boot partition: 223188 How to Change the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows 2000 3. If the computer is networked, run Regedt32.exe or Regedit.exe on another computer to open and modify the registry of the computer that is experiencing the logon failure. Change the following entry to remove the full path to the Userinit.exe entry as follows: Change from: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon\Userinit:Reg_SZ:C:\WINNT\system32\userinit.exe Change to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon\Userinit:Reg_SZ:userinit.exe After you change the preceding registry entry and are able to logon, perform the steps in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article to re-assign the proper drive letter to your boot partition and reboot: 223188 How to Change the System/Boot Drive Letter in Windows 2000 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Jan 01 Sun 2012 02:16